ID3D10Device and ID3D11DeviceContext VTable Indexes


I had trouble finding the index of DirectX 10 method OMGetRenderTargets for hooking. I found these VTables (ID3D10Device and ID3D11DeviceContext) somewhere on the web. Putting these here to save the trouble for someone else.

ID3D10Device VTable (d3d10_1core.dll ID3D10Device)

Index: 0 | QueryInterface
Index: 1 | AddRef
Index: 2 | Release
Index: 3 | VSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 4 | PSSetShaderResources
Index: 5 | PSSetShader
Index: 6 | PSSetSamplers
Index: 7 | VSSetShader
Index: 8 | DrawIndexed
Index: 9 | Draw
Index: 10 | PSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 11 | IASetInputLayout
Index: 12 | IASetVertexBuffers
Index: 13 | D0IASetIndexBuffer
Index: 14 | DrawIndexedInstanced
Index: 15 | DrawInstanced
Index: 16 | GSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 17 | GSSetShader
Index: 18 | IASetPrimitiveTopology
Index: 19 | VSSetShaderResources
Index: 20 | VSSetSamplers
Index: 21 | SetPredication
Index: 22 | GSSetShaderResources
Index: 23 | GSSetSamplers
Index: 24 | OMSetRenderTargets
Index: 25 | OMSetBlendState
Index: 26 | OMSetDepthStencilState
Index: 27 | SOSetTargets
Index: 28 | DrawAuto
Index: 29 | RSSetState
Index: 30 | RSSetViewports
Index: 31 | RSSetScissorRects
Index: 32 | CopySubresourceRegion
Index: 33 | CopyResource
Index: 34 | UpdateSubresource
Index: 35 | ClearRenderTargetView
Index: 36 | ClearDepthStencilView
Index: 37 | GenerateMips
Index: 38 | ResolveSubresource
Index: 39 | DVSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 40 | PSGetShaderResources
Index: 41 | PSGetShader
Index: 42 | PSGetSamplers
Index: 43 | VSGetShader
Index: 44 | PSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 45 | IAGetInputLayout
Index: 46 | IAGetVertexBuffers
Index: 47 | IAGetIndexBuffer
Index: 48 | GSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 49 | GSGetShader
Index: 50 | IAGetPrimitiveTopology
Index: 51 | VSGetShaderResources
Index: 52 | VSGetSamplers
Index: 53 | GetPredication
Index: 54 | GSGetShaderResources
Index: 55 | GSGetSamplers
Index: 56 | OMGetRenderTargets
Index: 57 | OMGetBlendState
Index: 58 | OMGetDepthStencilState
Index: 59 | SOGetTargets
Index: 60 | RSGetState
Index: 61 | RSGetViewports
Index: 62 | RSGetScissorRects
Index: 63 | GetDeviceRemovedReason
Index: 64 | SetExceptionMode
Index: 65 | GetExceptionMode
Index: 66 | GetPrivateData
Index: 67 | SetPrivateData
Index: 68 | SetPrivateDataInterface
Index: 69 | ClearState
Index: 70 | Flush
Index: 71 | CreateBuffer
Index: 72 | CreateTexture1D
Index: 73 | CreateTexture2D
Index: 74 | CreateTexture3D
Index: 75 | CreateShaderResourceView
Index: 76 | CreateRenderTargetView
Index: 77 | CreateDepthStencilView
Index: 78 | CreateInputLayout
Index: 79 | CreateVertexShader
Index: 80 | CreateGeometryShader
Index: 81 | CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput
Index: 82 | CreatePixelShader
Index: 83 | CreateBlendState
Index: 84 | CreateDepthStencilState
Index: 85 | CreateRasterizerState
Index: 86 | CreateSamplerState
Index: 87 | CreateQuery
Index: 88 | CreatePredicate
Index: 89 | CreateCounter
Index: 90 | CheckFormatSupport
Index: 91 | CheckMultisampleQualityLevels
Index: 92 | CheckCounterInfo
Index: 93 | CheckCounter
Index: 94 | GetCreationFlags
Index: 95 | OpenSharedResource
Index: 96 | SetTextFilterSize
Index: 97 | GetTextFilterSize
Index: 98 | CreateShaderResourceView1
Index: 99 | CreateBlendState1
Index: 100 | GetFeatureLevel

ID3D11DeviceContext VTable (d3d11.dll ID3D11DeviceContext)

Index: 0 | QueryInterface
Index: 1 | Addref
Index: 2 | Release
Index: 3 | GetDevice
Index: 4 | GetPrivateData
Index: 5 | SetPrivateData
Index: 6 | SetPrivateDataInterface
Index: 7 | VSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 8 | PSSetShaderResources
Index: 9 | PSSetShader
Index: 10 | SetSamplers
Index: 11 | SetShader
Index: 12 | DrawIndexed
Index: 13 | Draw
Index: 14 | Map
Index: 15 | Unmap
Index: 16 | PSSetConstantBuffer
Index: 17 | IASetInputLayout
Index: 18 | IASetVertexBuffers
Index: 19 | IASetIndexBuffer
Index: 20 | DrawIndexedInstanced
Index: 21 | DrawInstanced
Index: 22 | GSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 23 | GSSetShader
Index: 24 | IASetPrimitiveTopology
Index: 25 | VSSetShaderResources
Index: 26 | VSSetSamplers
Index: 27 | Begin
Index: 28 | End
Index: 29 | GetData
Index: 30 | GSSetPredication
Index: 31 | GSSetShaderResources
Index: 32 | GSSetSamplers
Index: 33 | OMSetRenderTargets
Index: 34 | OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews
Index: 35 | OMSetBlendState
Index: 36 | OMSetDepthStencilState
Index: 37 | SOSetTargets
Index: 38 | DrawAuto
Index: 39 | DrawIndexedInstancedIndirect
Index: 40 | DrawInstancedIndirect
Index: 41 | Dispatch
Index: 42 | DispatchIndirect
Index: 43 | RSSetState
Index: 44 | RSSetViewports
Index: 45 | RSSetScissorRects
Index: 46 | CopySubresourceRegion
Index: 47 | CopyResource
Index: 48 | UpdateSubresource
Index: 49 | CopyStructureCount
Index: 50 | ClearRenderTargetView
Index: 51 | ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint
Index: 52 | ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat
Index: 53 | ClearDepthStencilView
Index: 54 | GenerateMips
Index: 55 | SetResourceMinLOD
Index: 56 | GetResourceMinLOD
Index: 57 | ResolveSubresource
Index: 58 | ExecuteCommandList
Index: 59 | HSSetShaderResources
Index: 60 | HSSetShader
Index: 61 | HSSetSamplers
Index: 62 | HSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 63 | DSSetShaderResources
Index: 64 | DSSetShader
Index: 65 | DSSetSamplers
Index: 66 | DSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 67 | DSSetShaderResources
Index: 68 | CSSetUnorderedAccessViews
Index: 69 | CSSetShader
Index: 70 | CSSetSamplers
Index: 71 | CSSetConstantBuffers
Index: 72 | VSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 73 | PSGetShaderResources
Index: 74 | PSGetShader
Index: 75 | PSGetSamplers
Index: 76 | VSGetShader
Index: 77 | PSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 78 | IAGetInputLayout
Index: 79 | IAGetVertexBuffers
Index: 80 | IAGetIndexBuffer
Index: 81 | GSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 82 | GSGetShader
Index: 83 | IAGetPrimitiveTopology
Index: 84 | VSGetShaderResources
Index: 85 | VSGetSamplers
Index: 86 | GetPredication
Index: 87 | GSGetShaderResources
Index: 88 | GSGetSamplers
Index: 89 | OMGetRenderTargets
Index: 90 | OMGetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews
Index: 91 | OMGetBlendState
Index: 92 | OMGetDepthStencilState
Index: 93 | SOGetTargets
Index: 94 | RSGetState
Index: 95 | RSGetViewports
Index: 96 | RSGetScissorRects
Index: 97 | HSGetShaderResources
Index: 98 | HSGetShader
Index: 99 | HSGetSamplers
Index: 100 | HSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 101 | DSGetShaderResources
Index: 102 | DSGetShader
Index: 103 | DSGetSamplers
Index: 104 | DSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 105 | CSGetShaderResources
Index: 106 | CSGetUnorderedAccessViews
Index: 107 | CSGetShader
Index: 108 | CSGetSamplers
Index: 109 | CSGetConstantBuffers
Index: 110 | ClearState
Index: 111 | Flush
Index: 112 | GetType
Index: 113 | GetContextFlags
Index: 114 | FinishCommandList
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